Due to the current situation, different companies and institutions have set out to carry out a plan aimed at alleviating multiple effects of Covid-19.In this case, the Overcomes Covid-19 Fund is made up of Banco Santander, Spanish universities and the State Agency for Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC). Intended for finance collaborative projects, programs and support measures in the university environment to minimize the impact of this crisis. We highlight that Crue also manages the call. As we have mentioned before, The call is 8.5 million, distributed in three lines: 5 million euros for Research; 1 million euros for social impact, 2.5 million euros for ICT.Three lines of funding:Research: This line will help to understand the disease and to eradicate it as far as possible thanks to research. In addition, the call provides additional funding for projects that fall within these conditions:
-Development of care and care protocols for patients affected by COVID-19. -Development of therapies for the treatment of COVID-19 disease. -Clinical-molecular characterization of the disease COVID-19. -Artificial intelligence and massive data analysis aimed at the clinical-epidemiological control of the COVID-19 disease.
Social impact and profitability: In this second line, the effects of the disease will be assessed and financed with a multidisciplinary method, including: social sciences, humanities, behavior, etc.
-Studies and research projects with a gender perspective on the economic-social impact of the crisis. -Studies and research in crisis management. -Development, production and improvement of standardised medical equipment and devices for the fight against COVID-19.
ICT of the Spanish university system: The universities of the SUE, through CRUE-TIC, will carry out actions for their coordination, for an amount greater than 100,000 euros. This line focuses on encouraging and supplementing non-face-to-face teaching activity through equity for students.
-Respond to the group of students who are within the so-called digital divide with standardized technological solutions. -Improve the stability of computer systems that are currently available to universities. -Develop technological evaluation solutions, as well as methods and systems for monitoring teaching activity from digital platforms. -Promote initiatives for the training of the PDI, the PAS and students in digital skills.
The Fund will be open until its extinction or at the latest until December 18, 2020. For more information you can consult it hither.