The program has opened the deadline for submissions to submit this year's nominations. The objective is to recognize all those cities that have been able to use innovation to improve the quality of these cities and their inhabitants. In this way, full recognition is given to the effort. The winning project will be part of the European Capitals of Innovation club, we highlight that Barcelona is already part of it, among others such as Paris, Athens, Amsterdam and Nantes. Cities that have struggled and have contributed to creating a dynamic and open innovation ecosystem. The amount for the winning project is up to one million euros and 100,000 euros for each of the finalists, in order to promote innovation in cities and give them a boost. Requirements to register for the application: -Localize in an EU country or be associated with H2020-Have a minimum of 100,000 inhabitants A high-level jury fully specialized in innovation in cities will be responsible for evaluating each project in detail based on four criteria: -Empowerment of inhabitants through results-Use and promotion of innovative concepts, processes and tools-Participation of citizens in the design of the implementation and policy of innovation-Capacity for innovation.The names of the winners will be announced in Brussels during the day of the European Research and Innovation Days, which will be held from 22 to 24 September. If you think you meet the requirements, do not hesitate to submit your application, the deadline is June 23rd. Information about the aid hither