The European Bioindustry call presents new changes

Tomorrow the BBI-JU 2020 call will open

BBI-JU 2020 is a public private partnership (PPP) between the European Commission and the Bioindustries Consortium (BIC). This project was created in 2014 to promote Bioindustry. The main objective andto reduce European dependence on fossil fuels and derived products, progressing towards an economy that allows us to be more environmentally friendly and helps mitigate the effects caused by climate change. In this way, the initiative funds innovation and research actions and coordination and support actions. The funding conditions are the same as in Horizon 2020 aid (BBI-JU 2020 operates together with H2020) but with a significant change, large companies participating in RIA and CSA do not receive funding. We highlight that 3,705 million have been allocated for the period 2014-2020. 16 projects will be able to benefit from this program aimed at the development of the industry based on 4 strategic orientations: transformation processes, sources of Biomass, market arrival and final products.From Intelectium We inform you that the next call opening is tomorrow, April 15, with an expected date of Close on September 3, 2020. This has an estimated budget of more than 102 million euros.