Entrepreneurship is not a thing for fools

Félix López Capel's new book “I want to be an entrepreneur! Practical manual for clumsy people” that Anaya has just published, is a perfect manual for entrepreneurship.

There was a time not so distant when a series of books appeared, illustrated by Forges, which with the tagline “for clumsy” showed less experienced users, in an easy and simple way, how to enter the world of computer science. Well, something similar is happening, and is necessary, with entrepreneurship. A subject that, like computer science in the early 90's, is now becoming popular. A lot of people feel the need to undertake, a verb that, to tell the truth, we have never conjugated in our schools. They say that as a result of the current times of crisis, these are good times for entrepreneurs. It is at a time when needs come to light that many entrepreneurs (even those who don't know they are) realize that there is a niche market and that they would be able to cover it. Something he discovered Christian Rodriguez, CEO of ByHours. Why not pay for the hours you actually spend at the hotel instead of a full day? This is the germ of ByHours.com, the first online hotel booking platform that allows the customer to decide the time of check-in and the time of departure of the hotel. Christian went to the show Your Opportunity of TVE, a Sony Pictures International format that aims to promote culture and entrepreneurship in our country, to request €300,000 for 8% of your company. And he achieved 700,000. The previous one is a good example of what can be achieved with a solid project, but we must not forget that there is always a beginning and some first steps to take. For this reason, as was the case with computer science and those books illustrated by Forges, a series of simple guides have been published, this time, for new entrepreneurs. This is the case of the new book of Félix López CapelI want to be an entrepreneur! Practical manual for clumsy people” that Anaya has just published. Last Thursday, October 24, Capel himself, during the presentation of his book, gave a couple of tips for anyone who decided to start a business. Some of them as basic as”Before starting a business, even if you think it's the business of the century, you must know yourself” or”To start a business, the first to count on are the 3f's (family, friends and fools)” and”Often, the business plan starts with writing on a napkin at a bar with a friend”. There are many more in his book. These tips are based on the experience of the author who wanted in the ten chapters contained in the book to discover, in a simple and direct way, the main keys so that you don't make mistakes and bring your business idea to fruition. Good reading to learn how to face the moment of entrepreneurship.