ENISA for SMEs in the Audiovisual Sector and Cultural and Creative Industries 2024

Enisa will manage 7.5 million euros, for SMEs in the video game and audiovisual sector, through participatory loans.

According to José Bayón, CEO of ENISA, through the new line, Enisa aims to channel all the innovative potential of culture, audiovisual creations, as well as video games, betting on supporting start-ups and SMEs, contributing to their transition to the digital market, to their sustainability in the territory and to the improvement of their competitiveness at an international level.


Enhance the role of cultural and creative industries as an engine of the economy.

Responsible institutions

Enisa together with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Characteristics of loans

Participatory loans without guarantees of between 25,000 and 1.5 M€ depending on the project. Maximum amortization period: 10 years.

Total line capacity

7.5 million euros. Of which 2.5 M€ will come from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and 5 M€ will be in charge of the Ministry of Culture and Sports.


SMEs in the audiovisual and video game sectors, as well as in the cultural and creative industries, with registered office in Spain.

Main requirements

Projects must be technically and economically viable and have a novel innovative business or with clear competitive advantages.

At Intelectium, we are experts in applying for and managing grants from Enisa. We help you assess your startup's eligibility for the call. Once analyzed, we prepare a detailed report through which we can request and manage the help. We operate under a completely success-oriented model, in which we don't charge initial set up fees to start working, but we are at risk and only get paid if we get funding for the company. Get in touch with us hither for expert advice.
