Funding for innovative startups and SMEs in the Community of Madrid

The Community of Madrid provides funding for startups and SMEs in Madrid, approving three lines of aid co-financed with FEDER Funds.

The Community of Madrid has approved three lines of funding for innovative startups and SMEs based in Madrid:

  1. Line for the creation and start-up of new innovative technology-based companies, less than a year old, up to 60,000 euros.
  2. Line for technology-based startups. Companies from 1 to 5 years old, up to €125,000 in funding.
  3. Innovative line for high-intensity SMEs. Companies from 5 to 15 years old, up to 250,000 euros in funding.

The grants will be used to finance the creation, start-up and consolidation of new and young technology-based companies and for the growth of SMEs with high innovative intensity, whose business activities require the use of technologies and/or knowledge developed from research activity or knowledge generated by research organizations domiciled in the Community of Madrid and/or in the market, and on which the business strategy is based on the development and intensive use of technology.

Strategic thematic areas

The thematic areas considered strategic within the framework of the Regional Research and Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization of the Community of Madrid are the following:

  • Nanotechnology, advanced materials, industrial technologies and space.
  • Health, biotechnology, water and agro-food.
  • Energy, environment and transport.
  • Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

Beneficiaries of the aid

New innovative technology-based companies, young innovative technology-based companies and SMEs with high innovative intensity may be beneficiaries of the grants.

Characteristics of each line of aid

Line 1. Creation and start-up of new innovative technology-based companies (Start-ups), less than 1 year old.Innovative technology-based companies whose business plan and activities refer to the exploitation of products or services that require the intensive use of technologies or technical or scientific knowledge that enable the development of new products, services or processes for future introduction to the market, provided that their expenses and investments in R&D represent at least 10% of their total operating costs since the beginning of their entrepreneurial activity, which at the time of submission of the request for aid are promotional other innovative technology-based activities aimed at their future commercialization in the market.Line 2: Consolidation of young innovative technology-based companies (NEBT's) that are more than 1 year old and less than 5 years old.Young innovative technology-based companies with more than one year and less than 5 years of business activity, whose business development plan and activities refer to the exploitation of products or services that require the intensive use of technologies or technical and/or scientific knowledge, which enable the development of new products, services or processes for introduction into the market, provided that their expenses and investments in R&D represent at least 15% of their total operating costs in at least one of the last 3 previous years - due to the granting of grants, who have been registered with the IAE at least 1 year before the submission of the application for aid.Line 3: Innovative high-intensity SMEs over 5 years old and less than 15 years old who develop R+D+i projects of a competitive nature, aimed at the use and generation of marketable knowledge, whose business strategy is clearly oriented to the development of original products, services and/or processes or that substantially improve existing ones in order to better satisfy the demands of the market and society, and that entail a technological or industrial risk or failure, provided that their expenses and investments in R&D represent at least 30% of their total operating costs, in at least three of the 5 last years prior to the granting of the grants, who have been registered with the IAE at least 5 years before the submission of the application for aid.

Amount and intensity of aid

The maximum amount for the Funding Line for the creation and start-up of new technology-based innovative companies is 60,000 euros and the minimum fundable budget is 30,000 euros. For the line of growth of innovative technology-based companies, the maximum amount of the grant is 125,000 euros and the minimum fundable budget is 75,000 euros. Finally, for the line of financing for SMEs with high innovative intensity, the maximum amount of grant is 250,000 euros and the minimum fundable budget is 75,000 euros. 400,000 euros. With the objective of strengthening the technological base and synergies between companies and the available research activity in the region, in the case of line 2, at least 15% of the financial aid granted must be used to finance expenses and investments in R&D related to the project that are developed by consortiums and networks of active research groups. The beneficiaries of line 3 must allocate 30% of the aid granted for the same purpose and recipients.

Deadline for applying for grants

The call starts on July 15, 2019 and expires on August 2, 2019. More: Other lines of aid for startups in the Community of Madrid