Recently, the State Research Agency released more details about the first of three calls for Next Generation EU funds: R+D+I Projects in Strategic Lines 2021, scheduled for the period 2021-2023.
The initiative, contemplated in the State R+D+i Plan 2021-2023 and included in the EU Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (Recovery Plan), is aimed at R+D+i projects along strategic lines, intended to finance projects in collaboration between companies and research organizations and is scheduled to open in April. The main characteristics to consider, for what will be the first call for the Next Generation Funds, are summarized in the following points.
With regard to the consortium
Consisting of, at least, a research body (public or private) and a company.The minimum participation of the members of the consortium will be 10% of the project budget. The maximum participation of a company will be 70%.
In relation to the projects presented
Maximum duration of 3 years.Un single execution period without annuities.The budget will be determined by the proposed activities and their appropriateness, both to the objectives of the project and to the purpose of the call.Character Interdisciplinary. Research projects (TRL 3-4).
And, about the loans granted
One-year Euribor. If this is negative, the applicable interest will be 0%. Exemption from guarantees for loans of less than 200,000€ per entity or for loans of less than 1,000,000€ per project and all beneficiaries. In all other cases, the guarantee will be 25%. The budget of the call is 35,000,000€ in grants for Research Organizations and 35,000,000€ in loans for companies.
The objective of this first call is to respond to the challenges identified in the thematic priorities and expressed in the following themes:
- Emerging animal diseases and zoonoses: from pathogen biodiversity to sustainable livestock food production.
- Sustainable improvement of plant productivity: development of innovative plant protection programs and products
- Novel systems for observing, modeling and managing marine ecosystems.
- Plastic sustainability: synthesis, recycling and valuation.
- Next generation batteries.
- Efficient conversion of sunlight into fuels and chemicals.
- Smart building technologies.
- Intelligent urban and metropolitan mobility strategies.
- Cultural heritage.
- Experimental implementation of quantum technologies.
- Robots to help people.
- Sustainable fuels.
- Modeling and design of digital twins.
- New biofabrication strategies: beyond current strategies for bioprinting organs on a chip, organoid or 3D to clinical application.
- Nanomaterials and nanotechnology for the diagnosis of human diseases.
- Novel approaches to understanding the mechanisms and establishing new strategies for the immunotherapy of solid tumor cancer.
- Innovative approaches to better understand and identify new therapeutic targets for atherosclerosis.
- Treatment of disinformation, hoaxes and false news through public and private channels.
- Strategies to address depopulation and socio-spatial inequalities.
- Demographic change and the future of public services: health and pensions.
- Predictive maintenance of infrastructures through intelligent systems.
- Leveraging and modeling complexity in risk forecasting scenarios.
The proposals submitted should refer to a single topic and will be evaluated with respect to its definition. If you are interested in evaluating your fit with this Europe Next Generation funding line, you can contact us at the following email address: comunicacion@intelectium.comMore: European Funds for Recovery