Intelectium celebrates 10 years

Intelectium was founded 10 years ago with the objective of bringing first-level strategic consulting, which until then only large companies could hire, to smaller but high-potential companies.


Intelectium was founded 10 years ago with the objective of bringing first-level strategic consulting, which until then only large companies could hire, to smaller but high-potential companies. As the first years developed, the focus gradually shifted from SMEs to startups and from strategy in general to a specialization in the launch, expansion and financing of technological startups. Our objective became to help the companies of the future to found, grow and consolidate the new generation of businesses that would be able to survive on the Internet due to their lean startup approach, with teams of entrepreneurs dedicated to their project and devising innovative business models that today have already become standards. From the beginning, we wanted to make our position very clear: to be close to entrepreneurs, to accompany their projects at all times, to recommend the best to them at every stage of their company's development and, above all, be effective and direct.In these 10 years we have left traditional consulting behind to dive into corporate finance and business acceleration, we have launched our own investment vehicle, Techxios, and we have even launched future eCommerces such as Biuky (now part of Grupo Bilua) or significantly contributed to the relaunch of Fashion Pills.Entrepreneurs come to us because of our guarantee of success, more than 50 million euros raised in funding in the last 5 years, but also because of our honesty and effectiveness. We don't promise the impossible or give vague advice. We work on a few projects to give 100% to each one. As always, our desire is be effective and achieve concrete results.Thanks to this desire to grow and promote the businesses of the future, we have learned from the same entrepreneurs we help. Experts in online business, mobile apps, Artificial Intelligence or Big Data have provided us with knowledge from different angles and perspectives. This, together with our expertise in strategy, has given us a clear vision of what needs to be done and what not to succeed in different technological sectors. Do you want to launch a round avoiding a strong dilution? Is your eCommerce not getting enough traffic or not converting at the right rates? Do you have an innovative R&D project but don't know the best way to finance it? From this blog, we want to help you with effective tips and ideas so that your business achieves results. From strategy to online business, through financing, mobile apps and eCommerce, we provide you with our experience built over 10 years to avoid the most common mistakes that can jeopardize all your efforts. Let's start.