CDTI Missions 2022: Call open until September 05

CDTI missions are among the actions envisaged in the National Plan for Recovery, Transformation and Resilience.

In today's article, we will discuss all the information for the third edition of CDTI Missions 2022, which has already opened the call for cooperative business R&D projects from June 22 to September 5.

The CDTI Science and Innovation Missions grant is focused on pre-competitive research projects, led by companies that pursue relevant research that proposes solutions to cross-cutting and strategic challenges facing Spanish society, improving the knowledge and technology base that Spanish companies rely on to compete, while stimulating public-private cooperation.

In this call, 6 missions aligned with the PERTES have been identified for renewable energy, renewable hydrogen and storage; the agri-food industry, and that of the naval industry. The missions are as follows:

1. Strengthen technological capacities for safe and sustainable energy autonomy (fusion, hydrogen and renewables).

2. Promote Spanish industry in the industrial revolution of the 21st century.

3. Promote a more sustainable agri-food sector adapted to the new conditions associated with climate change thanks to a relevant use of advanced biotechnological tools.

4. Develop application technologies in the naval sector that improve its competitiveness in the 21st century.

5. Promote the replacement, recovery and valuation of strategic mineral and material resources for the Ecological Transition.

6. Develop and strengthen an integrated photonics ecosystem in Spain.

With these six missions, the Missions program seeks to address four defined challenges:

  • Fight against climate change
  • Boosting the energy transition
  • Sustainability and reinforcement of actions in support of the circular economy.
  • Development of technologies that contribute to the next industrial revolution.

What category of CDTI Missions do we find?

There are 2 categories of business groups:

- “Big Business” Missions: A group consisting of between 3 and 8 companies, at least two of them autonomous. The group must be led by a large company and have an SME.

- “SMES” missions: A group consisting of between 3 and 6 companies, at least two of them autonomous. All must be SMEs, led by a Medium-sized Enterprise.

Who can benefit from Misiones CDTI 2022 aid?

Groups of companies that can carry out projects in cooperation and that meet the size and composition requirements depending on the project submitted to “Large Business” Missions or “SMEs” Missions can be submitted to the call.

The group will not have legal personality, so one of the participants will act as its coordinator or representative before the CDTI. The representative will receive payment for the aid granted and will be responsible for its distribution among the members of the group.

What are the characteristics of the Misiones CDTI 2022 aid?

Mission grants are in the form of a grant. The maximum intensity limits of aid are: 65% Large Enterprise, 75% Medium Enterprise and 80% Small Business.

The individualized amount of aid will be determined based on the actual bankable cost of the project, the characteristics of the beneficiary and the budgetary availability. For each project and beneficiary, the aid intensity limit will be determined by the weight of each type of activity (industrial research or experimental development) and by the maximum intensity that corresponds in each case.

The budget of the call is 1250,000,000€. From this budget, a minimum of 20,000,000 euros will be allocated for “SME” Missions.

What are the characteristics of projects?

Within Missions “Big Companies””, the projects will have the following characteristics:

  • Minimum eligible budget of 4,000,000 euros and a maximum of 15,000,000.
  • Minimum eligible budget per company of 175,000 euros.
  • Duration: start in 2022. Completion: December 31, 2024 or June 30, 2025.
  • Industrial research of at least 60% of the eligible budget.
  • Outsourcing with Knowledge Generating Centers of at least 20% of the eligible budget.

Within “SMES” missions, the projects will have the following characteristics:

  • Minimum eligible budget of 1,500,000 euros and a maximum of 3,000,000.
  • Minimum eligible budget per company of 175,000 euros.
  • Duration: start in 2022. Completion: December 31, 2023 or December 31, 2024.
  • Industrial research of at least 35% of the eligible budget.
  • Outsourcing with Knowledge Generating Centers of at least 15% of the eligible budget.

What expenses are eligible?

The following direct execution costs are allowed: personnel costs, costs of inventoriable instruments and material, contractual research costs, technical knowledge and patents acquired at market prices, general expenses and additional operating expenses that derive directly from the project and the expense of the auditor's report.

Do you need help submitting the application for CDTI Missions?

At Intelectium, we are experts in applying for and managing CDTI grants. We help you assess your company's eligibility for the call. Once analyzed, we prepare a detailed report through which we can request and manage mission assistance. We operate under a completely success-oriented model, in which we don't charge initial set up fees to start working, but we are at risk and only get paid if we get funding for the company. Get in touch with us hither for expert advice.

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