NEOTEC 2019: Funding for technology-based startups

NEOTEC 2019 is a call for newly established and technology-based startups, and CDTI evaluates applications.

The call for NEOTEC for 2019 they have already been published. This is a call for newly established and technology-based startups. The Center for Technological and Industrial Development (CDTI), is the body that issues these grants and seeks to support the creation and consolidation of Spanish technological startups through non-refundable grants of a maximum of 250,000 euros. The biggest difference compared to last year is that this year the deadline for submission ends on July 1st At 12 noon, while last year the deadline ended on October 2.The NEOTEC call is a non-refundable grant and the contribution of the CDTI will in no case exceed the 70% of the budget total of the action and with a maximum grant amount of 250,000 euros per payee.Who can be a beneficiary? A small company with less than 3 years and more than 6 months of existence (that is, it must be incorporated between May 2016 and December 2018) and with a minimum written capital of €20,000 and that can demonstrate its innovative nature. The purpose of the investment is to finance the creation phase of a technology-based company, so the company must have a clear R&D plan with a high technological level. The aid is disbursed in two sections. The first is done by bank transfer 15 days after signing the contract for 40, 50 or 60% of the total amount of the approved aid. The second tranche is carried out once the final amount of the project's expenses and investments has been credited to the CDTI.

How does CDTI evaluate requests?

The organization mainly studies 4 key aspects that a project must have in order to be eligible: - The degree of technological innovation. The company must have a medium-term R&D plan that presents a technological challenge associated with its business. This technological pillar is the main screening point through which projects begin to filter.- The marketing planor when the company reaches the market. CDTI takes into account that since they are companies of such recent creation, it is very likely that many of them do not yet have metrics, but what is really important is the expected sales and success projections and how the company's product and/or service will be brought to the market.- The teaming who is behind the project. It is important to demonstrate previous experience in the sector and knowledge at the technological and business levels.- The socio-economic and/or environmental impact of the project. How this innovation project will affect more than just the business itself.

How to prepare an application for NEOTEC public aid?

At Intelectium, we are responsible for the comprehensive management of the entire process to obtain a NEOTEC grant, from the preparation of the material, submission of the application and follow-up to obtaining funding for the startup. Our success rate in accessing this type of funding is one of the highest in the sector. Contact us hither and receive support to finance your startup. More: Neotec: Grants for technology startups