What are the most frequently asked questions about H2020 grants?

Today at Intelectium we present to you what are the most frequently asked questions about H2020 grants.

What is Horizon 2020?The European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon 2020 (H2020), is the funding program at European level, which supports companies that dedicate their efforts to research and innovate to improve the economy and society.What is Horizon 2020's objective?The objective of Horizon 2020 is to finance research and technological development and innovation activities.What programs are included in H2020? 1) SME Instrument ProgramThe European Commission has launched SME Instrument programs for Startups and SMEs from member countries of the European Union, to provide funding in the form of grants to high-level R&D projects.- Phase 1Fixed grant of 50,000 euros for the preparation of a business plan and technical feasibility study of the R&D project for 6 months. The aid is intended to cover the costs of technical viability and potential commercialization of new ideas and technologies. The application can be submitted throughout the year, with a deadline every quarter.

This phase is no longer available, it closed in September 2019, only the SME Instrument Phase 2 remains in force.

- Phase 2It is a non-refundable grant that aims to cover the costs of R+D+i activities, with a special interest in those that focus on demonstration activities and commercial applications, encouraging involvement with potential users and customers. To apply for this aid, it is very convenient to have previously passed Phase 1. This phase has a grant of up to 2.5 million euros for projects of between 1 and 3 years, with the objective of financing R&D developments and commercializing new products. The European Community accepts applications throughout the year and, there are cut-off dates that depend on the selected call. Also, for the beneficiary SMEs, support is offered: promotion of pre-commercial contracts, advice, training and innovative solutions.

Project conditions

The startup or SME can apply alone or as part of a consortium. The project must have a maximum duration of 2 years. A longer duration is possible if duly justified.

2) Fast To Track Innovation (FTI) ProgramThis grant offers a grant of up to 3M€ for companies in a consortium with a maximum of 5 and a minimum of 3 for any type of business aligned with the priority sectors of the European Commission (Health, Energy, ICT, Security, Sustainability, Social Inclusion), within the program. The Fast to Track Innovation (FTI) program promotes local innovation activities and activities to reduce the time required to introduce a product/service/process into the market.What type of funding does Fast to Track Innovation use?The Fast to Track Innovation program uses a type of non-refundable funding (grant). In addition, SMEs that request this type of aid have the possibility of obtaining the intellectual property of the results generated and tax deductions can be applied.What are the requirements for aid?Aid requires a large amount of financial involvement that results in:

A budgetary allocation of at least 60% for industry participants in the formulated consortium. The presence of a minimum of 2 industry participants in a consortium of 3 or 4 partners, or of 3 industry participants in a consortium of 5 partners, i.e. strong participation and appropriate cooperation from the consortium. The funding that can be requested through Fast Track to Innovation (FTI) is up to 3 M€ per project.

Do you think your company fits H2020?Contact us through the following Form and we will evaluate your fit with the European call for grants free of charge. For more information go to Click hither