Through the Nuclis R&D 2023 call, Acció will promote an increase in the percentage of R&D expenses, as a key indicator of the country's competitiveness and will promote knowledge transfer and cooperation between companies and TECNIO accredited technology developers.
Purpose of the Nuclis I+D 2023 call
Fund proposals for Industrial Research and Experimental Development projects, which involve high-risk technological progress, that reach a pre-industrial and pre-commercial phase.
Catalan companies, with at least two years old, who want to develop new products, processes or services with high technological risk or TECNIO accredited centers.
In the project one or more international partners can participate with operational establishment, at least, in one of the territories established in annex 3 of the regulatory bases of the call.
Type of help and intensity
Non-refundable grants with a intensity varying between 25% and 70% of the project presented, depending on the size of the company and the type of project to be developed.
The maximum amount awarded per project will be 250,000€. TECNIO accredited centers can receive a maximum of 100,000€ in aid.
Beneficiaries will receive an advance of 20% of the total amount granted, which will increase to 80% in the case of TECNIO centers.
Key requirements of NUCLIS I+D
- The projects must be led by a Catalan company and have as their objective the progress of technology.
- Projects must make a jump, of at least one point, in terms of their TRL, which must be between TRL 3 and TRL 7.
- Companies must have the technical capacity to carry out the R&D activity.
- Cooperative projects must be carried out with other local or international companies or with other accredited TECNIO agents.
- The projects submitted must have a minimum budget of 120,000€, with a maximum duration of 3 years from their start date.
Eligible expenses
- Personal technician hired by the applicant companies and dedicated to the R&D project.
- TECNIO center staff dedicated to the R&D project.
- External collaborations and outsourcingThey are necessary for the project, only for the applicant companies.
- Other expenses directly linked to the project and to experimental research and industrial development activities.
- Indirect costs.
NUCLIS I+D 2023 Assessment Criteria
In order to be eligible for grants, startups must achieve a minimum total score of 250 points, out of 500 possible, which are distributed as follows:
- Technological assessment of the project: Maximum score: 150. To be eligible, startups must achieve a minimum score of 75.
- Project execution-management plan: Maximum score: 100. To be eligible, startups must achieve a minimum score of 50.
- Impact of the project: Maximum score: 250. To be eligible, startups must achieve a minimum score of 125.
Required Documentation
Startups that want to apply for the Nuclis I+D 2023 call must submit:
- Full and detailed project budget
- Technical report of the project
Deadline for submitting applications
The Nuclis R&D 2023 call will remain open until next June 6, 2023.
We help you succeed
From Intelectium, we are experts in applying for and managing grants. We help you assess your startup's eligibility for the call. Once analyzed, we prepare a detailed report through which we can request and manage the help. We operate under a completely success-oriented model, in which we don't charge initial set up fees to start working, but we are at risk and only get paid if we get funding for the company. Get in touch with us hither for expert advice.