Q&A: Startup Founder's Experience

The second edition of the Startup Founder's Experience will begin on May 5. We answer the most frequent questions we are receiving.

Experience in depth how to start a startup from scratch. Through a simulation process, you will be able to experience first-hand the best practices for successful entrepreneurship.

What is the purpose of the experience?

The main objective of this program is to live an intense experience to internalize concepts and skills and thus lead your startup within the new entrepreneurial and technological context. The more specific objectives are the following:

  • Develop a informed criteria about the best business models and the gross margins, recurrence and churn necessary for the business to be successful and generate enough cash.
  • Distribute the Equity of your company in a conscious way and learn to master the best valuation techniques.
  • Learn to create a financial model where you can capture the growth objectives of your startup.
  • Use without any risk the better methodologies to get the necessary investment/funding for your project.
  • Optimize the capital structure of your startup and define the best investment round format.
  • Discover the key tools to meet the specific requirements of different everyday entrepreneurial situations.

Who is it aimed at?

This experience is especially designed for you if:

  • You're a Startup which is starting its activity and is looking for the first round of investment with external investors.
  • You are a student who wants to expand knowledge and learn how to launch a startup to the market in the best possible way.
  • You are employee in a company but you are a person with an innovative spirit and you want to see in an environment with realistic situations what it would be like to start and carry out your own business.

How will the experience unfold?

Through the methodology of Experiential Learning the experience will be developed. With the Learning by Doing you will be able to experience all the real situations that an entrepreneur is subjected to in their daily lives and you will learn how to act in the best possible way to ensure the success and continuity of your company. The experiential program will take place in 8 sessions over 10 weeks. The total weekly dedication will be 6 hours between theory, practices and group work. The modality will be online-real time so you can enjoy the experience from the comfort of your home or office. The theoretical sessions will be on video and the practical sessions will be live.

When does the second edition start?

The second edition of the experience will begin on Thursday, May 19. The duration of the experience will be 8 sessions over 10 weeks. The 8 sessions will take place on: May 19 and 26, June 9, 16 and 30 and July 7, 14 and 21.

If I don't have time to do the live program, will I have access to watching the recorded classes?

From Intelectium we will record each of the sessions and you will have access to them to view them on a deferred basis if you haven't been able to connect. In such a way that you can access the contents of the program as many times as you want, to view or review all those concepts or themes that you need to reinforce. Although Intelectium encourages you to attend the live sessions and take the opportunity to perform Networking with other entrepreneurs and creating synergies to maximize the success of your startup, there is no problem in taking the deferred course.

What topics will be covered?

The syllabus of each session combines an explanation of the concepts and experiencing a practical reality. Each of the sessions will address a specific topic, defined below.

Module 1. What to undertake

  • Session 1: What are the 4 key questions to undertake
  • Session 2: How to get the most out of the entrepreneurial and investment ecosystem

Module 2: How to Start an Entrepreneur

  • Session 3: How to Develop a Professional Financial Model
  • Session 4: How to justify the valuation of a startup at different stages
  • Session 5: How to Negotiate an “Entrepreneur-friendly” Partner Agreement with Professional Business Angels

Module 3: How to finance your startup

  • Session 6: How to Develop a Professional Pitch Deck
  • Session 7: How to structure the capital and the format of the round
  • Session 8: How to negotiate a Partner Agreement with a domestic Tier 1 VC or a foreign VC

You can check the full agenda in the Next link.

Who will teach the classes?

The sessions will be led by Patrick Hunt, Managing Partner of Intelectium Funding Accelerator, Intelectium Ventures, General Partner of Smartech Capital and active investor, with more than 20 years of experience in strategic consulting. In addition, it will also have the participation of Anna Casoliva, Associate Consultant for Intelectium and Investment Analyst for Intelectium Ventures and Smartech Capital.

How much is it?

The total cost of the experience is 990€. You are still in time to benefit from the available discount EARLYBIRD 10% of the price of the program, leaving the cost of the experience at 891€.

What are the existing participation options?

All those enrolled in the Program will have access to the different training sessions, as well as to all those expert documents that are discussed during them.

If you want intensify your participation in the program you have the possibility of accessing personalized mentoring, where you will receive individualized feedback and expert advice to be able to perfect the Business Plan and the Pitch and to make the most of the full potential of your project in the market.

What expert documents will I learn to develop during the experience?

Throughout the different sessions, you will have access to key expert documents for the growth of your startup. Among others, you'll learn to develop:

  • Investor's Deck
  • Executive Summary
  • Overview for Investment Forums
  • Business Plan
  • Financial Models
  • Company valuation
  • Template of the partner agreement with Business Angels, National and International VCs
  • Etc.

Where can I learn more about the Experience?

If you still have any questions to resolve, you can find out all the details through the Startup Founder's Experience website.

For any questions or clarifications you can contact us at comunicacion@intelectium.com or by calling 932 724 640. Read more: We launched the second edition of Startup Founder's Experience