Startup of the week: Apodemia

Apodemia, the company specializing in designer jewelry, was founded in 2012 by Jaime Landeta and Jimena Von Knobloch.

The Spanish jewelry firm currently has 16 stores in Spain and plans to continue growing to 50 stores in the next three years.

Apodemia Jimena was born from spending a long time with her mother, and from the creativity of that at the family level, a first jewel inspired by the butterfly emerges, which is the Apodemia, from where the name comes from, and she throws it out with her friends... she starts to succeed, she goes to NGOs to donate her designs, and then I come from the world of banking, she asks me for help to professionalize this, I quit my work, and in 2013 we created the brand... “, comments Jaime Landeta.

The main objective of Apodemia is to move away from traditional jewelry stores and offer the customer a unique experience. But how is it different from traditional jewelry? Apodemia has an open, digitized and nearby store system. The objective is for the “customer to enter the store and forget that they are in a jewelry store”, says Jaime Landeta in an interview with EFEEmprendeta. The company also stands out for its elegance, diversity, passion for details and for its designs inspired by nature. This represents the main source of inspiration in the design of all stores. And as their creators say, Apodemia stores are true oases in the middle of the city: you can relax and live a lifestyle representing a whole series of products. The customer is immersed in the total universe of the brand. In 2018, the company had a turnover of more than two million. Apodemia subsidized its growth thanks to a funding round of half a million euros, with management investors from Coca-Cola and Proctel&Gamble.

“Apodemia was born with 3,000 euros. Although she had been working for four years and had some savings, it was little and, in the meantime, Jimena was starting her working life”

If you want to know more about Apodemia click hither. In Intelectium Every week we write an article about the Startup of the week, have you read our previous post about Nora Real Food ?