In today's article, we will discover a list of 9 startups in the Gijón entrepreneurial ecosystem. Did you know about its existence?
Okticket has developed a technology to manage expense reports from the mobile phone, without having to keep tickets and invoices. The process is very simple and instantaneous. From a photo, it automatically digitizes the tickets and invoices for your expenses. The company's digitization system is approved by the Tax Agency. It is focused both on large companies and SMEs and on the self-employed.
CuiCUI is a video game development studio, gamification projects and serious games. They take advantage of the potential of video games and gamification so that people learn by playing, connect with your brand or live unique experiences. They focus on the entertainment sector, especially the toy industry. Some of their games star Marvel superheroes.
Plexigrid optimizes electrical grids for the energy transition to more sustainable alternatives. Its goal is to change the way in which energy ecosystems are perceived, thought and interact. It offers a grid-focused flexibility management system, the first of its allowing distribution system operators to distribute more energy with their current grid capacity.
Raw Super Drink is an isotonic drink accredited with the European Union's BIO label for athletes. It is made only with organic and sugar-free ingredients and is suitable for vegans and celiacs. They offer different flavors: lemon-lime, orange-mango, blueberry-açai and strawberry mint. It is a startup that is in the expansion phase. Its ambassadors include Fernando Alonso and Aleix Espargaró.
SoTySolar install photovoltaic solar panels in a house or business to build a freer and more sustainable future. You can consume your own energy during the day and forget about increases in light. They promote a greener energy model. They have a network of 90 installers throughout Spain and offer a 5-year warranty on their products.
Neoalgae focuses on algae applications for conventional industries. They have a controlled microalgae culture process to develop their different brands and product lines. They sell through 8 brands in the cosmetics, agriculture and food sectors.
i4life designs and manufactures devices and software adapted to the elderly. They develop useful, easy-to-use and technologically advanced solutions to link patients to their environment, whether they are family members, caregivers or medical specialists. With their devices and software, they want to promote 4P medicine: preventive, predicative, participatory and personalized.
Sponsorit is a monetization platform for managing Influence Marketing campaigns on Twitch. Thanks to their technology and the use of Data Sciene, they achieve a 360º view of the sector. You can find the best streamers for advertising, manage recruitment and launch your campaigns while maintaining control.
Immersive Oasis they develop immersive systems, specifically in virtual and augmented reality. They create tailor-made tools to optimize immersive training and thus improve business skills. They also offer data analysis to optimize each company process with their “Scalable Data Design” model to change and expand data tracking as needed.