Torres Quevedo 2019: Funding for hiring doctors

Torres Quevedo contract grants are public grants with a duration of three years aimed at companies for the employment of doctors.

It has been published the Torres Quevedo call 2019 with a budget of 15 million euros

The State Program for the Promotion of Talent and its Employability, within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research under the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, has published the deadline for aid for hiring doctors. Your application deadline starts on January 24 and ends on February 14, 2019.

What are Torres Quevedo grants?

Grants for Torres Quevedo contracts are public grants with a duration of three years aimed at companies, technology centers at the state level, centers for supporting technological innovation at the state level, business associations and science and technology parks for the employment of doctors who carry out industrial research projects, feasibility studies or experimental development, in order to promote the professional career of researchers, at the same time as stimulating the demand of the private sector for highly qualified personnel for the preparation and execution of R&D plans and projects. At the same time, these grants also seek to support the consolidation of technological startups or newly created companies with business plans that contemplate R+D+i.

What does Torres Quevedo finance?

Torres Quevedo grants co-finance the salary and the Social Security business contribution of hired researchers during each of the annuities. The funding obtained must be applied to carry out R&D activities in addition to those already carried out by the company, having to justify in your request the need and the effect that the aid would have on the company.The grants will only co-finance the hiring costs corresponding to jobs that are located in Spain.

What type of funding is it?

This is a non-refundable grant.

What is the amount of the aid?

The amount of aid will be determined according to the cost of hiring (the sum of the gross compensation plus the Social Security business contribution), the type of project and the type of entity. The maximum annual hiring cost for aid cannot exceed 55,000 euros.

What is the funding intensity?

The intensities assigned to each proposed request will be the maximum that correspond, depending on the type of project and entity and go from 70% for industrial research and viability projects up to 45% for experimental development projects.

Who can be a beneficiary of the aid?

  1. Companies, including Spinoffs and JEIs.
  2. State-wide technology centers.
  3. State-wide technological innovation support centers.
  4. Business associations.
  5. Science and technology parks.

How many requests can a company make?

Up to three applications can be submitted per requesting entity at any time during the indicated period, provided that in each of the requests the proposed researcher to hire is different and that each request corresponds to a clearly different project or action.Intelectium specializes in applying for Torres Quevedo grants. We can help you identify the potential of your hiring plan to be eligible for these grants. Contact us through the following Form.Source: State Agency, Official State Gazette