10 startups that are committed to digital sustainability that are revolutionizing the Spanish market

Discover 10 sustainable projects aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Today, we bring you a selection of 10 startups with sustainable projects, aligned with several of the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the United Nations 2030 Agenda, which are revolutionizing the Spanish market.

Alter5 makes it possible to invest in sustainable assets in the renewable energy sector through a completely digitalized process. The investments made by the more than 50 institutional investors active in the platform act as financial support for wind or photovoltaic park developers. The Alter5 team takes into account the different risk profiles of investors to create the different financial products it offers to users.

Clarity is a social impact rating agency that works to contribute to a more socially efficient allocation of capital through the development of SaaS solutions. The startup uses Big Data to measure the social impact of companies and the sustainability of markets (qualifying them on concepts such as the impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or the carbon footprint), allowing investors to optimize the impact of their investment portfolios.

Gratix is an application through which users can give away everything they no longer use, to give it a second life, and at the same time obtain what they want or need. Product transactions between users are managed through a point system. The Gratix team works in line with principles such as generosity, solidarity and respect for the environment, while promoting the circular economy.

Klothink promotes new sustainable and affordable forms of consumption through a platform based on the concept of Smart Clothing that connects clothing brands with fashion lovers. The process proposed by Klothink is simple: after choosing the subscription plan that best suits their needs, the user receives a proposal consisting of 4 complete looks that they can enjoy for 3 weeks, until the time comes to return them without complications.

Plazy offers home cleaning and disinfection services for vehicles. The proposal saves up to 200 liters of water per wash, through the use of biodegradable products. The user can reserve by telephone the day and place where they want to receive washing and disinfection services (either in public or private car parks, or on the street itself) and pay 100% online. In order to avoid CO2 emissions, the Plazy team travels on electric motorcycles to the desired location.

APlanet was born with the mission of facilitating the management of social responsibility and sustainability of organizations in the digital world. The Aplanet team has developed software that allows SMEs to optimize resources allocated to CSR and sustainability. Its functionalities include the collection and management of non-financial data and the measurement of the impact of corporate volunteering initiatives and donations, among others.

Foodration4all is a social enterprise dedicated to the development of business projects, framed within the food sector, capable of generating wealth and economic value. The company has launched to the market, No one without their daily ration, which digitizes the food donation system. The solution allows donations to be made anywhere and provides traceability and transparency to the process through the use of blockchain.

Mynaruna is the first Spanish e-commerce for 100% sustainable and vegan fashion and cosmetics. The startup was born with the objective of revolutionizing two of the most polluting sectors with the most labor and animal exploitation. Through the platform, users can purchase a wide range of sustainable fashion and cosmetic products, for men and women, to support small brands that respect both the environment and animals.

Midori is a project based on the concept of circular economy. The application, available soon, proposes to buy a product, use it and reuse all its components to be able to manufacture a new one, instead of throwing it away. The operation is simple: the user adds their sustainable actions (such as recycling or reusing) to the application, through which they earn points and receive rewards such as discount vouchers, etc. In addition, the Midori team is working for an alternative packaging collection system.

Beeasy offers its users scheduled last-yard deliveries in 1-hour slots in Barcelona and Madrid. The platform, committed to sustainable development objectives, is committed to reducing CO2 emissions and traffic in cities, which is why the delivery network is managed from the home of each of the company's distributors. An ecological and sustainable solution for shipping and collecting packages.

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