4 critical mistakes in online store SEO

Errors in SEO: The positioning of eCommerce websites is very complex, just due to the simple fact that there are tens, hundreds and even thousands of products in a catalog.

Errores SEO en tiendas online

The positioning of eCommerce websites is very complex, just due to the simple fact that there are tens, hundreds and even thousands of products in a catalog. The categorization, the choice of tags and, of course, the hierarchization of the site map, are fundamental pillars on which a site of this type must be based. Some of these SEO efforts that we must carry out were summarized in a post a few weeks ago. But in today's post, we'll look at 6 errors that Kissmetrics points out as common:

1. Lack of product description

The absence of a product description eliminates the possibility of an online store appearing on the first page of Google search results, even in sectors and keywords that are not too competitive. As resounding as that. Search engines recognize images, but they don't give them enough space to benefit from a description

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(the alternative text of the images that search engines read is little more than a keyword, a short expression of the type alt="Red shirt Model Hawaii”). So it's not good with professional photographs of your product: copy or drafting in which the right keywords are used to describe a product are, here, more important than ever.

Of course, those texts have to be Unique And go oriented to the purchase decision of the user. Texts are a double-edged sword: if you publish duplicate content with respect to other pages of your site or other sites, the search engine will make you pay for it. One of the most common mistakes is copying the manufacturer's texts or supplier of the product, increasing the risk that there will be many other sites that publish them as is. In addition, these lines are usually not even sales-oriented: not only will the search engine reject them, so will your customer.

If you don't have the resources to publish unique sales-oriented texts, the best thing is to label those products with options Google makes available to you so as not to count that product as penalized. The search engine won't read them, but they won't count to worsen your site's ranking either. Specifically, the Canonical or NoFollow tags serve to indicate to the search engine which pages you want it to index and which it can ignore.

2. Absence of user reviews and recommendations

eCommerce sites are not impervious to Internet socialization. 70% of online shoppers consider the opinions of other users to be vital in their purchasing decision (Nielsen, Sept 2013). But search engines also like these recommendations. For example, Amazon has created a large community of book readers that began with the decision by the eCommerce giant to open comment spaces for everyone. These users create unique content for free, and it makes product pages alive, updated, something that will make search engines crawl more often.

3. Don't optimize your site using the keywords that are successful in your industry

In search engines, there is also the law of supply and demand. And that demand is marked by the keywords that users use to request information and buy products in a certain category. This can be checked with mere searches or with Google Webmasters Tools. How to attract traffic from your industry? To a large extent, this is achieved by making certain modifications to your page to include those keywords in article titles, page titles (the H1) and, as we have seen, in product descriptions. If not, the search engine will conclude that your site contains something that no one is looking for and will penalize you with low rankings.

Some of the best practices in this regard are: use product model numbers And the Name of your brand in tags and page titles, write a alternative text in images that you include (in the previous point we have seen an example, an alternative text should be something like “Nashville Model Beige Jersey”, which in code will be identified as ALT="Beige Jersey Nashville Model”), use the keywords that rank well in your sector but Don't repeat them excessively (for example, in a text with a title and 3 paragraphs, a normal amount of keyword use will be between 4 and 8 repetitions) and never use iframes to display your content. Of course, we shouldn't repeat product titles: they also count as possible duplicate content. A good model for these titles is “Make - Model - Item Type”

4. Unfriendly URLs

Just like content, titles, and tags, URLs should also speak for your site. Search engines will value positively that your site's URL architecture responds, for example, to the model tumarca.com/category/brand-model-item-type-. That is, links that help the Google robot to quickly understand that your site is built with order and coherence. Again, the reasons for using friendly URLs are both technical (to like the Google spider) and semantic: they make it easier for the user, who searches for products based on keywords in the context that is familiar to them. If they appear in the links, the probability of receiving clicks is increased.