GAIN 2022 Grants: Funding for startups and SMEs in Galicia

GAIN offers aid to startups and SMEs for the implementation of efficient innovation strategies and programs. Discover GAIN grants.

AYUDAS GAIN (Galician Innovation Agency) offers Galician companies specific tools and programs to access both public and private funding (through investment funds and accelerators).

GAIN Grants: Innovation Bonds

Aid to microenterprises and SMEs that carry out innovation activities that can be carried out immediately through the contracting of professional services external to innovation agents to achieve a qualitative and quantitative leap in their R+D+i activity in the short term and have a direct impact on the ability to respond to current challenges of companies through innovation.

- Type of funding: Non-refundable grant. 70% of the costs of contracting Innovation Bonds in the following modalities:

- Line 1: Innovation Support (Grants between 21,000€ and 35,000€)

- Line 2: Financing management (Grants maximum €5,000 for each of the types of bonds (A and B)

- Beneficiaries: Individual micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, in accordance with the definitions of Annex I of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 + Registered office or work center in Galicia, where they must carry out the activities for which the aid is requested

4th Edition of Business Factory Aero

Aimed at the aeronautical, aerospace and unmanned vehicle sectors. Its mission is to incubate, accelerate and consolidate new companies that bring innovative solutions to the market, consolidate the business and industrial fabric of the Galician sector and attract national and international talent, which contribute to strengthening the sector's positioning and increasing its international projection.

- Type of funding: Non-refundable grant and venture capital funding.

- Beneficiaries: Entrepreneurs, micro, small and medium-sized individual enterprises (with less than 42 months of experience in the Acceleration program and 7 years in the Consolidation program), in accordance with the definitions of Annex I of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014. + Social and fiscal name for newly created companies and tax names and/or work centers in Galicia for those already established, where they must carry out the activities for which they request assistance

Business Research Centers

Grants aimed at companies (commercial companies) whose purpose is to create new research centers that complement the technological offer of the Galician R+D+i ecosystem, framed in the strategic priorities of RIS3.

- Type of funding: Grant. The minimum budget of the proposals will be 3,000,000€ and a maximum of 20,000,000€.

- Beneficiaries: Any company, constituted as commercial companies, that carries out research activities in the field of the Research and Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization in Galicia (RIS3 Galicia). To carry out eligible activities, the beneficiaries must have their registered office or a work center in Galicia.

GAIN Grants: Senior Talent

Grants for hiring highly qualified personnel, for a minimum period of three years, with more than 5 years of professional experience to develop their professional careers in companies and research centers, as well as to stimulate demand in the public and private sectors for highly qualified professionals to undertake R+D+i projects in Galicia.

-Type of funding: Grant with an intensity of between 40 and 60% of the hiring. This intensity will vary depending on the gross compensation of highly qualified personnel for each indefinite or temporary contract of duration equal to or greater than 3 years.

-Beneficiaries: Galician non-university or private public research companies and organizations or with a work center in Galicia.

Mixed Research Units

Call for grants aimed at the three phases of the Joint Research Units Program of the Galician Innovation Agency:

  • Modality A — 1st phase: Grants for the creation and implementation of new mixed research units-
  • Modality B — 2nd phase: Grants for the consolidation of mixed research units-
  • Modality C — 3rd phase: Grants for mixed research centers

-Type of funding: Non-refundable aid. 40% of the eligible budget, with a maximum of 3,000,000,00€.

-Beneficiaries: Groups between a research organization in Galicia and one or more companies, which are part of a mixed research unit. The companies that are part of the joint research units may be small, medium and large. Within the framework of this call, research organizations are considered to be:

- The Technological and Technological Innovation Support Centres in Galicia

- The universities of the Galician university system

- The Centres in Galicia of the Higher Council for Scientific Research

- The Health Research Foundations of Galicia

- Other research organizations in Galicia that have R&D defined as their main activity in their statutes

Research Program

Grants will be the subject of grants to the hiring of young people, aged 16 or over and who did not turn 30 years old at the time of beginning the contractual relationship, by research and knowledge dissemination organizations, public universities, technology centers, science and technology parks, public entities subject to private law, and private non-profit entities, together with companies that are investing in research and innovation belonging to the public or private sector, in carrying out research initiatives and innovations included in this call.

-Type of funding: Non-refundable help. The granting of grants, as well as their justification, will be carried out through the module regime:

  • Module A: contracts in Social Security contribution groups 9 to 5, both included, the module will amount to 22,405.94 euros per person hired and year of hiring (1,867.16 euros per month).
  • Module B: in the case of contracts in Social Security contribution groups 4 to 1, both included, it will amount to 33,108.92 euros per person hired and year of hiring (2,759.07 euros per month).

-Beneficiaries: Galician companies and/or companies with a work center in Galicia. Research organizations (universities, foundations, public or private technology centers...)


In addition to GAIN grants, the agency also has service programs. An example is Re-ACCIONA, a service program for SMEs that, through companies providing specialized services, allows SMEs to carry out improvement projects in different areas.

- Supported services:

  • Design and launch of innovative products and services
  • Advice for the financing of innovation.
  • Protecting innovation.

- Beneficiaries: Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with a work center in Galicia and meet the definition of SMEs. For this definition, the one established by the European Commission in Annex I of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014 will be used

GAIN grants to complete the post-doctoral training phase

The purpose of these grants is to enable the continuation of the training of doctors who began their postdoctoral training, allowing them to improve their training and the establishment of their own line of research that will allow them, in the future, to consolidate their careers. In this call, researchers with a doctorate degree who are on the closing date of the call in any of the following cases may be eligible for these grants:

-Type of funding: Non-refundable help. The intensity of the aid is 100%. The grants last 2 years.

- Beneficiaries: Entities outside the SUG: public research organizations in Galicia, health research foundations in Galicia, based in Galicia. The General Secretariat of Universities of the Ministry of Culture, Education and Universities funds the universities of the University System of Galicia.

Grants to support the predoctoral stage

The hiring of personnel in its initial stages constitutes the basis for acquiring the research staff's own skills through stable training processes, and it also makes it possible for the system to reach a dimension of its human research resources comparable to other European countries.

-Type of funding: Reimbursed aid with a maximum duration of 4 years. The maximum amount of each aid is:

  • 24,000€ per year for the first three years of the contract
  • 29,000€ during the fourth year
  • 30,000€ in the event that the candidate accesses the training contract for post-doctoral training

- Beneficiaries: Entities outside the SUG: public research organizations in Galicia, health research foundations in Galicia, based in Galicia. The General Secretariat of Universities of the Ministry of Culture, Education and Universities funds the universities of the University System of Galicia.

Grants to support the postdoctoral training stage

Within the GAIN grants, the purpose of supporting postdoctoral training is to increase the incorporation of research staff into the Galician R+D+i System, encouraging, in its initial stage, the acquisition and improvement of the skills of doctoral research staff, through contracts with the agents that make up the system and allowing their international mobility to improve their training and training.

-Type of funding: Non-refundable aid with an intensity of 100% for up to 3 years.

- Beneficiaries: Entities outside the SUG: public research organizations in Galicia, health research foundations in Galicia, based in Galicia. The General Secretariat of Universities of the Ministry of Culture, Education and Universities funds the universities of the University System of Galicia.

Consolidation and structuring of competitive research units and other promotion actions

Grants to consolidate, structure and specialize the most competitive research units in the Galician R+D+i System through the following modalities:

- Modality A: Competitive Reference Groups (GRC). Grants for the consolidation of research groups that, due to their scientific production and their R&D activity, constitute a reference in the Galician R+D+i System.

- Modality B: Groups with growth potential (GPC). Grants for the consolidation of research groups that, due to their scientific production and their R&D activity, show growth potential to become reference groups in the Galician R+D+i system.

- Modality C: Projects of excellence. Grants for carrying out research projects for individual researchers who, with an excellent consolidated track record or in training, have to strengthen a line of work based on high-impact projects mainly at the national and international levels.

-Type of funding: It helps with a stray background with an intensity of 100%.

- Beneficiaries: Public research organizations in Galicia, health research foundations in Galicia and centers of the CSIC (Higher Council for Scientific Research) that will submit their application to GAIN.

4th edition of BFFood

It is a Program for the Acceleration of Entrepreneurship in the Food Sector of Galicia (Business Factory Food) that implements programs to support entrepreneurship initiatives and consolidate specialized projects in the food sector and their transformation into innovative, viable and scalable companies that attract and retain talent, and that contribute to strengthening the positioning of the sector and increasing its international projection.

-Type of funding: non-refundable grant and venture capital funding. Mentoring and specialized training. €25,000 in non-refundable funds and up to €250,000 in venture capital funding. From among the applications submitted, up to six initiatives will be selected for the acceleration program and up to six for the consolidation program, with the objective of offering disruptive solutions to face the new challenges of the food and beverage sector.

- Beneficiaries: Entrepreneurs, microenterprises, small and medium-sized individual companies (with less than 42 months in the Acceleration program and 6 years in the Consolidation program) + Registered office or work center in Galicia, where they must carry out the activities for which they request assistance.


Among the GAIN grants, there are IFI INNOVA loans, which aim to intensify support for Galician micro, small and medium-sized companies in the financing of new innovative projects.

-Type of funding: Loans with a minimum amount of €50,000 and a maximum of €500,000:

  • Fixed interest rate: One-year Euribor +0.10% -
  • Term: between 2 and 12 years.
  • Deficiency: grace period of up to 4 years, with the possibility of incorporating accelerated amortizations depending on the company's generation of resources.
  • Guarantees: Without guarantees up to 200,000 euros; possibility to request them depending on the project.

- Beneficiaries: Microenterprises, small and medium-sized individual enterprises, especially those based on technology, in the seed or startup phase, but also those SMEs that, despite having a proven track record, wish to undertake innovative projects. + Registered office or work center in Galicia, where they must carry out the activities for which the loan is requested.

GAIN Grants: InnovaPeme 2022

-Type of funding: Loans with a minimum amount of €50,000 and a maximum of €500,000:

  • Fixed interest rate: One-year Euribor +0.10% -
  • Term: between 2 and 12 years.
  • Deficiency: grace period of up to 4 years, with the possibility of incorporating accelerated amortizations depending on the company's generation of resources. -
  • Guarantees: Without guarantees up to 200,000 euros; possibility to request them depending on the project.

- Beneficiaries: Microenterprises, small and medium-sized individual enterprises, especially those based on technology, in the seed or startup phase, but also those SMEs that, despite having a proven track record, wish to undertake innovative projects. + Registered office or work center in Galicia, where they must carry out the activities for which the loan is requested.

Galicia Advances

The objective is to promote the internationalization of innovative SMEs in any type of field or sector that need a lever to validate, position and strengthen their competitiveness in foreign markets, thus bringing the Galician business fabric closer to the global market.

- Beneficiaries: SMEs with registered office and work center in Galicia.

GAIN Grants: DeseñaPEME 2022

They are grants for improving the capacity for innovation and sustainability in Galician companies by incorporating the strategic design of products, services, experiences and brands-corporate identity. There are 3 areas of design depending on the type of project to be launched in the beneficiary companies:

- Product design: conception and development of new products or, in the case of redesigning existing ones, a substantial improvement can be seen.

- Design of services and experiences: conception and development of new services and experiences or, in the case of redesign of existing ones, that there is a substantial improvement from an aesthetic, functional, technical/productive and economic point of view.

- Brand design and corporate identity: formulation of corporate identity and brand projects, with special attention to the representation of sustainable and innovative values.

- Type of funding: Non-refundable grant., 50% of the implementation costs included in the “Design Project for Innovation and Sustainability”, which will introduce a series of activities designed to constitute a complete and homogeneous set of phases to implement or increase the design capabilities of the applicant company. (Grants between €5,000 and €100,000). The total budget is 1,500,000€

- Beneficiaries: Microenterprises, small and medium-sized individual enterprises + Registered office or work center in Galicia, where they must carry out the activities for which the aid is requested.

Consolidate BIO

ConsolidaBio, is included as part of the GAIN grants. This is a call for grants to support the consolidation of SMEs in the biotechnology sector through investment and innovation plans that are aligned with the Galician Biotechnology Consolidation Strategy 2021-2025, the RIS3 of Galicia and in line with the Next Generation Galicia Strategy.

- Type of funding: Grant. The minimum consolidation plan budget is €500,000 and the maximum is €1,000,000.

- Beneficiaries: Microenterprises, small and medium-sized individual enterprises + Registered office or work center in Galicia, where they must carry out the activities for which the aid is requested.

Galicia Innovation and Design Awards 2022

Third edition of the Galicia Innovation and Design Awards to recognize the work of individuals and companies that are contributing significantly to economic and social development in Galicia through innovation and design. These awards seek to highlight best practices so that they serve as an example for the entire Galician business fabric, highlighting how innovation and design play an essential role for improve the competitiveness of companies and, ultimately, the quality of life of people. The categories of the awards: Innovation and Design.

- Requirements:

- Individuals born in Galicia may be candidates. In addition, legal entities that have at least one validly constituted permanent establishment in Galicia that maintains its activity may be eligible for the prizes.

- Applications for the “Emerging Talent” category in the design section must have, at least, two endorsements from people of recognized prestige in the field of design.

- The same candidate may apply for one or more categories of awards, for which it is essential to submit a different and complete application proposal, with all the required documentation, for each category submitted.

From Intelectium, we are experts in applying for and managing public funding. We help you assess the eligibility of your startup with GAIN grants. Once analyzed, we prepare a detailed report through which we can request and manage the help. We operate under a completely success-oriented model, in which we don't charge initial set up fees to start working, but we are at risk and only get paid if we get funding for the company. Get in touch with us hither for expert advice.

More: Discover the help of IGAPE available for Galician startups and SMEs.

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