El access to investors or managers Venture Capital is a complicated task that involves a lot of dedication and insistence, that's why it's always It is advisable to have the support and advice of accelerators, consultancies or expert bodies that are installed in the entrepreneurial and investment ecosystem and, that they have contacts and relationships already established withinvestment funds and Business Angels. In addition to streamlining contact with investors, these entities will help you make your business project more attractive and will advise you to make the presentation of your startup to the investor more effective. Below we offer you a selection of 7 key factors to attract the attention of investors in your project:

- Team
An investor will value both the quality of the team and the entrepreneur's ability to attract talent to their startup. The founder must give off energy and arguments that show that he is able to build a good team, motivate it and commit it to the project. In this regard, in order for you to see the importance of the team, The business idea is less important than attracting the people who are going to develop and execute it.
- Involvement
The entrepreneur who presents his project to the investor must be in love with it. It is essential that both the entrepreneur and his team are passionate about the business idea and firmly believe in it. If they are able to spread that enthusiasm to potential investors, they will have almost succeeded in counting on them.
- Sector
The entrepreneur's knowledge of the sector in which the project is framed is essential. Both he and the team must have an in-depth knowledge of the business sector. Ideally, if the team has developed its professional career in the same sector as the project, it will present even more guarantees and confidence to the investor.
- Mercado
It is very important to be clear about what target and niche market our entrepreneurial project is aimed at.. Be clear about what the market needs are and how our project can help solve them. In addition, the growth capacity in the short and medium term are other features that attract investors the most.

- Product or service
The entrepreneur will earn points if they have an MVP, Minimum Viable Product of the product or service to show to the investor. In the case of technological projects, having a beta version, demonstration or prototype plays a crucial role for investors.
- Sales
It is much easier to sell to an investor a project that generates income or has clients right from the start. This is a sign that the product or service has already entered the market and that it provides added value for other companies. Good metrics with a tendency to grow will encourage investors to choose your project.
- Profitability
We must be clear that investors are looking to earn money by investing in our project, so they are looking for the highest performance in the shortest possible period of time, Therefore, the expectations of obtaining capital gains from investment and the ease of outflow of capital are criteria that investors tend to take into account when betting on an entrepreneurial project. Intelectium Startup Acceleration, we accelerate the process of seeking and granting both public and private funding for your startup. The fact that we are active investors ourselves and co-invest with the most representative Venture Capital companies in Spain gives us an extensive network of contacts and experience to provide optimal advice to entrepreneurs.Are you looking for funding for your project?Contact with us to streamline the process. We will study and evaluate your project to offer you the best capital strategy so that you can grow and attract more investment.