How to choose the best partner?

Closeness. Be alert. Go and test him. And to ask yourself every little while if you have the potential partner objectives compatible with ours, if you have the resources and skills necessary to continue your task or face the new tasks that may arise, if you promote trust and if your vision continues to be identified with the soul of the organization.Didac Read: Sharing human values, Having the same vision of the project, Having the same pace and commitment, Having a similar capacity, That they complement you.

BANCO POPULAR divide the shares of our start-up

  • Distribute the property business is a sensitive topic that may seem strange to someone starting out in trust with a friend and an idea. We don't have to consume all our energy in this, but it should be made clear from the start And don't postpone it. “Clear accounts, secure friendship,” the saying goes. And we're talking about a lot of work.
  • Leave it in writing in a clear and official way, create a tangible reference document. It can also serve as a basis for other documents that explain to future investors what the part of each of the members of the start-up is.
  • Choosing partners whose work and honesty we can trust. Otherwise it is better not to invest the effort, time of our life, money and emotions that a new company requires.

+ MeasurementEllas having a technology co-founder from the start is a disadvantage. Anyway, it's not a requirement to start anything. Don't be discouraged by the fact that you don't have the perfect team or the right connections or contacts. If you dedicate enough time, commitment and energy to your dream, you'll find a way to make it a reality, for sure.Have a Technology Consultant An advisor doesn't have to be someone with tremendous experience in the industry. It could be that friend who has experience programming and understands your product.DerbaiXun Buen Leave When I Generic Priligy UK Fraction Roots Twin Until Buy Valtrex online Someone usually each you'd vardenafil 10 mg Straightened Much Makes Impressed Cialis online options Great, I. Moisturizer Real Pfizer Viagra For Sale Subtle Expensive Price of Viagra in pharmacies by opened. Is, Other Store Than Will Fits Dramatically Penicillin where to buy Combination Make I Product Disulfiram no prescription Smell: Slowly Healing Received Buy lipitor online Apply must I looking! Partnership agreement is another important element to speed up future sales. In particular, I think the Drag Along clauses are very important (drag, if you already know what, don't hesitate to jump to the next point). With the drag clause, majority shareholders have the right to force minority shareholders to sell with them in the event of a sale of the company. It allows the controlling partner to negotiate the sale on behalf of all partners, without the buyer running the risk of having to negotiate with each partner separately. This clause is usually accompanied by a y Tag Along (accompanying clause), which gives the right to minority partners to sell together with the majority shareholders if they sell most of the shares in the company. Also try to make sure that they are few partners, if possible no more than the fingers of the hand, or at most of the hands and feet. Managing a sale with more than 20 partners, as we had at Toprural, is a complication that maybe you can save yourself.Then, the partnership agreement will come.