Funding for innovative startups and SMEs: ENISA

The ENISA participatory loan is intended for innovative startups and SMEs in stages of growth and consolidation. ENISA supports companies.

El ENISA participatory loan is aimed at innovative startups and SMEs in stages of growth and consolidation.

ENISA, a public company under the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO), is actively participating in the financing of viable and innovative entrepreneurial projects. Its mission is to promote the funding for innovative startups, promoting the diversification of their sources of funding. ENISA closed 2016, increasing the number of approved transactions by 9.6% compared to the previous year, financing more than 800 business projects for an amount exceeding 80 million euros.

Of these operations, 62% of the loans correspond to companies that are less than two years old, with an amount that exceeds 36 million euros and which have reached 499 projects

.In the distribution by sector, ICTs are the recipients of the largest amount of funds (39%), followed by other services (17%). When it comes to autonomous communities, Catalonia leads the number of transactions and investments carried out, with 33%, followed by Madrid (30.4%), Andalusia (7.9%) and the Valencian Community (7.4%).

ENISA Features

The National Innovation Company (ENISA) has lines of funding for SMEs in stages of growth or consolidation with viable and profitable business models.

The grants are aimed at finance the improvement of the company's competitiveness in their different growth needs, through the contribution of participatory loans without guarantees and with a variable interest rate according to the company's profitability.

The funding is conditioned on the fact that the company makes or has recently made a capital contribution equal to or greater than the requested aid.

The form of aid is in the form of a participatory loan, never convertible to capital and, with up to 9 years of amortization and 7 years of grace period.

How to prepare an ENISA?

From Intelectium Startup Acceleration we take care of the comprehensive management of the entire process to achieve a ENISA, from the preparation of the material, submission of the application and follow-up to obtaining funding for the startup. Our success rate in accessing this type of funding is one of the highest in the sector.

Contact us hither and receive support to finance your startup.