New Next Generation grants: 25 M€ to digitize companies in the tourism sector

Through the call, grants will be allocated to finance technological, unique and transformative projects in the tourism sector.

With only 30% of tourism companies making progress in digitalization, allocating the necessary resources to accelerate this digitalization and improve indicators related to tourism competitiveness is key to the growth of the Spanish economy.


Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism through SEGITUR. The funds through which the projects will be financed come from the Next Generation EU funds.


Intensify the digitalization of companies in the tourism sector. Specifically, the main objective of the grants included in the call is “to implement actions to promote the digitalization of tourist destinations and tourism companies and to address the construction of a tourism intelligence system based on the data economy and interoperability”.

Budget of the call

25 M€.


The call has two different lines of action, depending on the type of funded projects.

  • Line 1: For innovative technological development projects.
  • Line 2: For projects involving the implementation and adoption of new technologies.

Type of aid

Direct grants of between 300,000 and 5 M€.

Line 1 projects may benefit between €500,000 and €5M, while line 2 projects will be eligible for grants of between €300,000 and €750,000.


“Last mile” digitalization projects carried out by groups of companies in the tourism sector or companies that act as technological partners of the previous ones. The projects presented should cover easily scalable and replicable processes and products with a clear orientation to the end user.

Main requirements

  • Line 1: They must incorporate some of the emerging or newly developed technologies with medium/low technological risk, in the field of Internet of Things, 5G, big data, cybersecurity or mobile applications. Have a budget of between 500,000 and 5 M€, and a maximum duration of 18 months. On the other hand, the level of maturity of the technology of the projects presented should be between TRL 6-8. Projects must be developed under the modality of grouping. Low technological risk means those projects with little technical and technological complexity, with a small number of systems involved and simple integration, which require short execution times.
  • Line 2: They must incorporate technologies previously tested in the market with low technological risk. Have a budget of between 300,000 and 750,000€, and a maximum duration of 12 months. On the other hand, the level of maturity of the technology of the projects presented should be between TRL 8-9. The projects must be developed under the modality of grouping.

Understanding high technological risk, those projects of high technical and technological complexity, with a large number of systems involved and with possible difficulty in integration, which require longer execution times and specific training requirements in the resources that operate them.

Before participating, the entities shall constitute a group, formalizing a document that will contain the minimum content established in article 67.2 of Royal Decree-Law 36/2020, of 30 December, including:

  • Commitments to carry out activities undertaken by each member of the group.
  • Budget corresponding to the activities undertaken by each member of the group, and amount of the grant to be applied in each case.
  • Representative or sole agent of the group, with sufficient powers to fulfill the obligations that, as a beneficiary, correspond to the group.
  • Internal organization of the group, contingency plan and provisions for the resolution of internal disputes.
  • Agreements on liability, compensation and confidentiality between participants.
  • Ownership of the results.
  • Legal protection of the results, and, where appropriate, of the resulting industrial property. You must collect a minimum provision for the transfer of rights of non-exclusive use for the benefit of the Spanish public administration, for a duration commensurate with the regulation of intellectual or industrial property, as the case may be.
  • Rules for dissemination, use, and rights of access to the results of the subsidized activity.

Eligible expenses:

  • Technical staff costs
  • Costs of inventoriable instruments and material
  • Additional overheads and other operating expenses
  • Expenses associated with required external audit reports

Deadline for submitting applications: 1 month from the publication of the extract of the call in the Official State Gazette.

From Intelectium we help you identify if your company is eligible for this new aid from Next Generation EU funds or if you fit in with other similar calls. Once we have chosen the help that best suits your company, we prepare all the necessary material to request it and we accompany you during the analysis process until the subsequent granting and justification. Contact us through our web form or our contact email: more about Next Generation EU Grants