Enisa FAQ

ENISA's participatory loans are one of the main and first sources of funding that innovative startups and SMEs turn to.

Participatory loans from Enisa they are one of the main and first sources of funding that innovative startups and SMEs turn to in order to accelerate their growth and/or undertake their innovation plans.

Who can apply for an ENISA?

To be able to request a ENISA, the company must be an SME, small and medium-sized enterprise, or a startup domiciled in Spain with an innovative project seeking funding.

How many lines of funding does Enisa have?

ENISA has 3 Lines of funding different:

  • ENISA Young Entrepreneurs: Funding line for newly established startups and SMEs (applicant companies cannot be more than 24 months old), which have been founded by young entrepreneurs (up to 41 years old). Through this aid, ENISA addresses the investments required by the business project in its most initial phase. The minimum amount that can be requested is €25,000 and the maximum amount is €75,000.
  • ENISA Entrepreneurs: Funding line aimed at supporting startups and SMEs during the early stages of the life of their project. Unlike the Young Entrepreneurs line, there are no age limitations for your application, but if you are a former member of the Company, it cannot be more than 24 months old. The minimum amount that can be requested is €25,000 and the maximum amount is €300,000.
  • ENISA Growth: Funding line offered to support innovative startups and SMEs that want to expand their business or achieve competitive improvement. The minimum amount that can be requested is €25,000 and the maximum amount is €1,500,000. When more than 300,000 euros are requested, the company must have the accounts audited to be eligible for that amount or higher amounts.

All grants are in the form of a participatory loan and its main characteristic is that it does not request personal guarantees from entrepreneurs.

Could I request funding from Enisa more than once?

Yes, you can request new funding whenever there are changes and growth in the company. Through new capital increases or significant growth in the company's cash flow.

What help does Enisa offer?

Enisa does not offer grants or subsidies, it offers financing in the form of participatory loans.

Can I use Enisa to rent, lease or ICO loan?

No, Enisa offers financing in the form of a loan.

Does Enisa finance the business project 100%?

No, Enisa avoids being the majority funder of business projects and is a co-investor body. Therefore, a good time to apply for Enisa is after a capital increase or investment round. ENISA's funding is conditional on the company making or having recently made a capital contribution equal to or greater than the amount requested.

What are the differences between Enisa and a bank loan?

  • It does not require endorsements or personal guarantees.
  • He has a grace period of up to two years.
  • The variable interest rate on the loan is calculated based on the company's income.

How to submit an ENISA?

To obtain an Enisa participatory loan, it is necessary to prepare a report and financial projections. Once this material has been submitted and after the admissions phase, you enter the analysis stage, where you are assigned an Enisa analyst who asks you for details and progress of the company to finish rating your company and assess if you are eligible for an Enisa loan. Both the preparation of a good report and financial projections, as well as the subsequent follow-up and justification to the analyst, are very important. Therefore, it is advisable to have the expert figure of a consultant to request it and increase your chances of achieving it and/or obtaining a higher amount.

From Intelectium we are experts in seeking and obtaining public and private funding for technology companies. We have been advising technology startups and SMEs for more than 15 years so that they have the best possible capital structure depending on their activity and stage of development. Do you want to know us and know how we can help you? Get in touch with us and we will advise you on the best ways to finance the growth of your company. Unlike other consulting firms, we operate 100% successfully, meaning that we are at risk and we only charge when the entrepreneur obtains funding. If your company meets these characteristics and you want to apply for an ENISA, contact us Hither and receive support to finance your startup through this line.

From Intelectium we hope this post will be of great help to answer your questions.

Do you have any more questions? Source: Empresa Nacional de Innovación S.A