ACCIÓ, the Agency for Business Competitiveness, has opened the program of aid for high-impact investments so that companies with an operational establishment in Catalonia or that are going to be incorporated before the aid, can benefit until 14:00 on October 7, 2020
What is subsidized?
Projects for the creation of workplaces are eligible, including: ICT Services centers (are defined as software development centers, data analysis centers or video game development centers), Supraregional Decision Centers (understood as centers that have decision-making capacity on the functions and strategy of the company at the supraregional level), Industrial Projects (understood as projects with activities for the production of goods through the assembly or transformation of raw materials or services to industry), Logistics Centers(understood as centers with distribution activities and centers that can additionally manipulate and develop the final phase of products) and R+D+i CentersBesides, investment projects that include: Investment projects involving new activities or the expansion of productive capacity, Investment projects linked to the acquisition of Productive Units from companies in bankruptcy (only companies in the industrial or industrial services sector will be eligible), Investment projects in R+D+i centers and Strategic Projects (these projects must involve the opening of new industrial sites or the diversification of the company's current activity).
Who can benefit?
Companies with an operational establishment in Catalonia or that are going to be established before the aid and that carry out an economic activity may benefit, with the exception of companies with retail trade projects, the real estate sector and companies whose activity is included in the slaughter of cattle and meat preservation, and the production of meat products, according to the Catalan Classification of Economic Activities (CCAE). In the case of projects to create workplaces, companies that have initiated restructuring processes that involve Termination of Employment Regulation Files or that have closed workplaces in Catalonia in the last two years from the date of submission of the application.
What are the specific requirements?
Within the projects for the creation of workplaces at least the following number of new jobs must be created:
ICT Service Centers: 25 new worksitesSupraregional Decision Centers: 15 new worksitesIndustrial Projects: 15 new worksitesLogistics Centers: 25 new worksitesR+D+i Centers: 8 new workplaces
Within the investment projects at least the following amount must be invested:
Investment projects involving new activities or the expansion of productive capacity: 2.5M€Investment projects linked to the acquisition of Production Units from companies in bankruptcy: 200K€Investment projects in R+D+i centers: 500K€Strategic projects: 5M and creation of 50 new workplaces
What expenses are eligible?
As far as the projects to create workplaces, the labor cost (gross salary + compulsory social contributions to the SS in charge of the company) of the first 6 months of the new hired personnel is considered eligible. With regard to investment projects, fixed productive assets (material and immaterial) and facilities linked to the production process are considered eligible.
What is the execution period of the eligible action?
The deadline is 01-01-2020 to 31-12-2021 for all projects, with the exception of strategic projects that will have 2 years from the submission of the application.
What is the amount of the aid?
The amount of the grant can reach up to 200K€ for all projects, with the exception of strategic projects where it could amount to 500K€.
What are the evaluation criteria?
Priority will be given to industrial or industrial service projects carried out by companies that have been negatively and directly affected by Covid-19 or that have local suppliers that have been affected by the pandemic, and priority will also be given to those projects in the pharmaceutical or medical equipment sector that can be considered strategic to provide solutions to the Covid-19 crisis.