The General Secretariat for Industry and Small and Medium Enterprises (SEGIPYME) is implementing various initiatives to promote a national supply of industrial production of protective equipment and medical equipment and equipment in order to solve the problem of scarcity of these products worldwide and ensure, in the nearest future, the satisfaction of the needs of Spanish citizens in these areas. To this end, a new program has been established to support, through grants, companies that carry out projects for industrial production for actions of the following types:
Establishment of new facilities for the production of the products described above. Expansion of their existing structures that produce such products. Conversion of existing production lines for this purpose.
Which companies can be beneficiaries?
Those private entities with their own legal personality, legally constituted in Spain, and that are going to develop a project for the development of industrial production of medical devices and medical and personal protective equipment and equipment and those other products, such as active ingredients, chemical substances, drugs, or other products, that are considered emergency by the Government in relation to COVID-19, among others:
Surgical masks, type II and IIRFFP2 and FFP personal protection masks. COVID-19 PCR diagnostic kits and their consumables.Rapid diagnostic kits (antigen detection) .Hysopos.Protective goggles.Nitrile gloves, with and without dust.Disposable and waterproof gows.Hydroalcoholic solutions (biocide and cosmetics) and their raw materials.Invasive mechanical ventilation equipment (VMI) .Fungibles or consumables for VMI equipment.Alcohols.Chlorhexidrin.
The products must be manufactured in the national territory and must meet the requirements established by the health authorities.
What type of financing do you offer?
The funding offered will be in the form of a grant. The maximum intensity of the aid is 80%, but depending on the item, the following percentages are established:
80% on the bankable budget of the Appliances and Equipment item.80% on the bankable budget of the Technical Validation Expenses item.30% on the bankable budget of the Production Process Engineering item.20% on the bankable budget of the Building item.
If there was sufficient budgetary availability, the maximum aid per entity could increase to 800,000€.
What is the general budget of the call for grants?
The total amount of the grants announced will be 11,000,000 euros.
What expenses are bankable?
Building: investments for the adaptation of industrial buildings strictly necessary for the operation of the appliances and equipment mentioned in the following heading b) .Appliances and Equipment: Acquisition of material appliances and equipment and/or amortization of existing appliances and equipment, directly linked to the production of the goods to which this order refers, excluding external transport elements. Production process engineering: external collaborations necessary for the design and/or redesign of processes, directly linked to the appliances and equipment specified in the previous paragraph. Any form of civil engineering or consulting associated with the management and processing of the requested funding is expressly excluded. Technical validation expenses: expenses related to obtaining, validating and defending patents and other intangible assets, obtaining conformity assessments or authorizations necessary for the commercialization of vaccines and drugs, medical devices, hospital and medical equipment, disinfectants and personal protective equipment, with the express exclusion of internal personnel costs.
What is the application deadline?
The deadline for submission is July 30, 2020.
More requirements
Only investments and expenses made since the February 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.In the case of projects that were initiated before February 1, 2020, only the necessary actions carried out since that date to accelerate or expand the scope of the project will be considered, in which case, the request for aid should be limited to additional costs related to accelerating efforts or expanding the scope of the aid.
More information on the official website of MINECOTUR