How to get your first 100,000 euros to finance your startup

At Intelectium we give you some tips to get off the ground with your project, we'll show you how you can get your first 100,000 euros.

For this reason in Intelectium we give you some tips and keys to get off the ground with your project, we'll show you how you can get your first 100,000 euros to finance your startup.

There are currently different ways of financing, and it is important that we choose the most appropriate one for our project according to the type of business, the amount required, and the needs of the entrepreneur.Types of funding for startups and SMEsParticipatory grants and loans: Funding programs for startups and SMEs such as those of CDTI,Enisa, European Commission (Horizon 2020), etc. are some of the first financial resources that start-up companies turn to. Above all, they value technological projects, with social or environmental components. The Enisa participatory loan and the CDTI Neotec Program are the first funding programs you should consider applying for, since they require that the company does not exceed a few years of experience. In the case of Enisa, for the Young Entrepreneurs line, you can raise up to 75,000 euros and in the Entrepreneurs line up to 300,000 euros, provided that the loan is accompanied by an increase in own capital. In the case of NEOTEC you can even get a grant of up to 250,000 euros, as long as the startup already has 20,000 euros of its own funds. In the following article on our blog you can find all the programs in detail: and accelerators:they help entrepreneurs in their first steps. They offer experts who provide training, contacts and advice to companies. They aim to help introduce the idea to the market and its growth, they try to ensure success. In addition, they can help you to get your first 100,000 euros of funding, since many incubation or acceleration programs include financial aid for projects that go through their programs, either in the form of awards or loans.

Whats variance Is there between an incubator and an accelerator?-An incubator is a company whose purpose is to search for future startups that are in the initial phase, its objective is to help them grow. -An accelerator aims to accelerate projects that are in the development phase, to give impetus to startups that are already active.

Business Angel:Business angels are private investors who invest in the business because they see the future, one of the main objectives when investing is to help make profits. In addition, they are specialists in the sector and can help the entrepreneur along the process with knowledge of the facts, they are expert investors who are fully involved in the project. The combination of investment by one or more business angels accompanied by a Enisa, It is usually one of the most common funding formulas used by startups. For example, if you raise €50,000 or 100,000 in investment from a capital business angel, you can request an Enisa of the same or similar amount, which can help you inject 100,000 to 150,000 euros into your project at an early stage.Do you want to start as a Business Angel? Here is a link for detailed information: loan: Banks offer different types of financing to finance new businesses. It is the credit granted by a bank and that must be returned by the person with interest. Taking into account the requirements for obtaining a bank loan, it is necessary to evaluate the situation and think about whether this funding channel is really necessary. It is important to consider the following conditions:

-When the loan is requested, the bank carries out a feasibility study on the transaction, they will be responsible for accepting the transaction or not. -You must take into account the interest to be paid, for this reason it is advisable to read the document in detail.

Private Equity and Venture Capital:The Spanish Association of Capital, Growth and Investment, considers Private Equity (Private Equity) to investment aimed at companies in growth stages or already consolidated. In ASCRI they define Venture capitalor (Venture Capital) as the investment of capital in a company that is in its initial phase or very early development. Venture Capital investment is usually aimed at technology companies or companies with a strong innovative/disruptive component. You can find more information about this type of financing in our post: is an English term that means collective financing, this option allows you to raise funds through small investors who financially support a project that interests them. They can invest in exchange for a reward or in an altruistic way. It is true that crowdfunding is not an easy task, but more and more entrepreneurs are using this method to finance their startup. It should be noted that the campaign is canceled if it does not reach 100% of the crowdfunding objective, with this form of financing it is also possible not to earn income. It's important to create a lot of noise.Factoring:It is a type of financing in which a company transfers credit to a financial institution in exchange for the latter paying it that amount. In addition, it goes beyond the purely financial aspect, since it incorporates commercial advice and collection management. It is important to bear in mind that this type of financing has a high financial cost, since a commission is usually applied for each transaction, it can be up to 3% of the nominal amount of the credit transferred. Intelectium we hope that the article was useful in finding the right funding for your company. It is important to note that there is no single formula for success, each one of them has its peculiarities, but with perseverance you will earn the first 100,000 euros to finance your startup.At Intelectium we have 15 years of experience in the sector and can help you assess the fit of your project. Contact us through the forms web for more information.