NEOTEC: Grants for technology startups

The Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) has published the NEOTEC 2018 call to finance technological startups with an endowment of 25 million euros, 25% more than the previous year.

· The Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) has published the NEOTEC 2018 call with an endowment of 25 million euros, 25% more than the previous year.

· The deadline for submitting applications for NEOTEC 2018 will end on October 2, 2018.

Are you a tech startup? Are you less than 3 years old? Then you have a potential fit to apply for NEOTEC aid. The call NEOTEC 2018 has already been published by the Public Business Entity, attached to the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. Through this initiative, the CDTI seeks to promote new business projects based on technology and science.NEOTEC finances innovative small companies whose business strategy is based on the development of their own technology through non-refundable grants. Grants offered by NEOTEC can finance up to 70% of the project budget business presented, provided that it has a bankable minimum of 175,000 euros. The maximum contribution per beneficiary will be 250,000 euros. In this way, the NEOTEC program estimates to finance around 125 new projects for small companies in any technological and sectorial field.

Requirements to apply for the NEOTEC grant

  • Companies must be incorporated, at most, in the three years prior to the closing date of the deadline for submitting applications (October 2, 2018).
  • Startups must have a minimum share capital of 20,000 euros.
  • Business projects must include the development of their own technology.

Deadline for submitting applications for NEOTEC

  • The deadline for applying for the NEOTEC call is October 2, 2018 at 12:00 noon CET.
  • Applications for obtaining these grants will be submitted through the online application of the CDTI electronic office.
  • It is recommended to receive expert advice for the presentation of NEOTEC due to the detail and precision required in the report on the technology and the business. From Intelectium, we are experts in applying for and managing the NEOTEC call. We help you assess your startup's eligibility for the call. Once analyzed, we soaked up the company to prepare a detailed report through which to request and manage NEOTEC help. Get in touch with us hither!

More: The Government authorizes NEOTEC, the call for funding for startups