Finance your innovation projects, acquisition of new machinery, growth, with different public grants both nationally and regionally, by Autonomous Community.
General, at the national level
- Type of aid: Soft loans without personal guarantees.
- Objective of the grants: Supporting SMEs and innovative entrepreneurship.
- Budget for 2023: 98.5 million euros. Grants of between 25,000 euros and 1.5 million euros will be granted, without guarantees, to projects promoted by small and medium-sized enterprises with the objective of improving their competitiveness and contributing to the generation of employment.
- Characteristics of the aids: The loan repayment period will have a maximum maturity of 9 years, with a maximum of 7 years of grace period (although this will depend on the rating assigned by Enisa to each project). The interest rate will also be fixed according to the rating and results of the beneficiary company, with a minimum and a maximum.
Call for grants to industrial SMEs
- Type of aid: In-kind grants, consisting of receiving personalized advice that allows the promotion of the digital transformation of industrial SMEs in industry 4.0.
- Objective of the grants: Provide an exhaustive diagnosis and analysis of the company's digital situation and the development of a Transformation Plan for the digitalization of the company.
- Budget of the call: 24.4 million euros to help more than 2,200 industrial SMEs across the country. The individualized amount of in-kind aid will be 7,400 euros per beneficiary company.
Interested companies will be able to Request your help at the EOI electronic office starting Thursday, July 13, 2023. The call will remain open until the budget is exhausted.
National for Companies and Entrepreneurs
- Type of aid: In the form of a loan, leasing, renting or line of credit.
- Type of fundable projects: Investment projects, business activities and/or needs for liquidity or expenses; digitalization projects and projects for the rehabilitation of buildings and/or houses.
- Features: Fixed or variable interest rate, plus the margin established by the credit institution according to the amortization term.
- Budget: Up to 12.5 million euros, in one or more transactions.
- Beneficiaries: Freelancers, entrepreneurs and SMEs. As well as individuals and communities of owners.
Grants for the renovation of the national park of agricultural machinery
- Type of aid: In the form of a grant
- Objective of the grants: Acquisition of new equipment and machines such as tractors, automotive machines and other dragged and suspended machines, as well as tanks with accessories for localized application. The new machinery must replace old equipment and machines of the same use that must be scrapped.
- Minimum fundable budget: 1,000 euros, with the exception of localized application devices, 600 euros.
- Deadline for requests: From July 07, 2023 to September 15, 2023.
- Type of aid: Current loans with a non-refundable tranche (TNR)
- Objective of the grants: Encourage the carrying out of individual research and business development projects in collaboration with State-wide Technology Centres.
- Characteristics of the aids: The loan repayment period will have a maximum maturity of 10 or 15 years, with a maximum grace period of 3 years from the end of the project. The interest rate will be Euribor for 1 year, fixed at the time of approval of the aid.
- Minimum fundable budget: 175,000 euros.
- Type of aid: Current loans with a non-refundable tranche (TNR) of up to 33%.
- Objective of the grants: Encourage the carrying out of industrial research and/or experimental development projects that involve the significant improvement of a production process, product or service.
- Characteristics of the aids: The loan repayment period will have a maximum maturity of 7 to 10 years, with a maximum grace period of 3 years from the end of the project. The interest rate will be Euribor+0.
- Minimum fundable budget: 175,000 euros for individual projects and 500,000€ for consortium projects.
- Type of aid: Current loans with a non-refundable tranche (TNR) of up to 7%.
- Objective of the grants: Encourage the implementation of projects that involve investment or expenditure in innovative techniques or technologies.
- Characteristics of the aids: The repayment period of the loans will have a maximum maturity of 4 or 6 years, with an interest rate of Euribor at one year +0.75% or Euribor at one year +1.50%, respectively.
- Minimum fundable budget: 175,000 euros.
- Type of aid: Current loans with a non-refundable tranche (TNR) of up to 33%.
- Objective of the grants: Support large R&D projects developed in collaboration by business groups and oriented to planned research in very strategic areas that have a clear potential for international projection.
- Characteristics of the aids: The amortization period of the loans will have a maximum maturity of 10 or 15 years, including a grace period between 2 and 3 years, with an interest rate of Euribor at one year.
- Minimum fundable budget: 5,000,000 euros.
- Type of aid: Non-refundable grants for a total period of 3 years.
- Objective of the grants: Hiring expert staff.
- Amount of aid: It will be determined according to the cost of contracting, the type of project and the type of entity, with a maximum intensity of between 25 and 70% of the eligible expenditure. The maximum annual amount for aid cannot exceed 55,000 euros.
- Type of aid: Non-refundable grants for a total period of 4 years.
- Objective of the grants: Promote the employment of research staff.
- Amount of aid: It will be determined according to the cost of contracting, the type of project and the type of entity, with a maximum intensity of between 45 and 80% of the eligible expenditure.
- Type of aid: Non-refundable grants, soft loans, or a combination of both.
- Objective of the grants: Stimulate public-private collaboration between companies and public R+D+i bodies through the funding of D+i projects.
- Characteristics of the aids: For loans, the amortization period of the loans will have a maximum maturity of 10 years, including a grace period of 3 years, with an interest rate of Euribor at one year.
- Minimum fundable budget: 400,000 euros.
- Budget of the call: The maximum amount allocated to finance this call is 260,000,000 euros, with 110,000,000 euros in the form of a grant and 150,000,000 euros in the form of a loan. Of these, 230 M€ correspond to the 2023 annuity and 30 M€ to 2025.
By Autonomous Community
Advanced Grants for the Promotion and Industrial Localization of Catalonia
- Type of aid: Loans to promote the country's industrial conversion and provide technical, administrative and economic support to companies
- Budget: Loans of between 300,000 and 1 million euros. Avançsa offers the possibility for beneficiary companies to enter the capital as a minority.
- Characteristics of the aids: 12-month Euribor fixed interest rate +500 ppbb to be settled quarterly. Variable interest rate of 1.5% of the Company's EBITDA.
- Beneficiaries: Industrial companies with headquarters in Catalonia and growth potential.
Grants to support reindustrialization projects in Catalonia
- Type of aid: Grants for reindustrialization projects that help to restart or continue the activity of production centers that have been subject to closure or relocation. And grants for projects to acquire industrial or production services companies in difficulty or that are in bankruptcy.
- Budget: The maximum amount of aid will be 5 million per project.
- Application Deadline: From January 25, 2023 to November 15, 2023 or until the total budget of the call runs out.
Inpyme for industrial SMEs in Valencia
- Objective of the grants: Industrialization grants for investments by industrial SMEs in the Valencian Community that improve the competitiveness and sustainability of certain sectors: the leather and footwear industry, ceramics, glass, metal-mechanical, textile, packaging and packaging, toys, marble, biotechnology, wood-furniture and lighting, textiles, chemicals, paper and graphic arts, audiovisual production, video game production, animation and augmented reality, automotive, space and aeronautical sector, plastics and materials valuation.
- Type of fundable projects: Creation of a new industrial establishment; expansion, improvement or modernization of an existing establishment and diversification of production or essential changes in existing production processes.- The projects will have to be developed between January 1, 2023 and November 3, 2023.
- Budget: Eligible minimum for the Serpa industrial investment project of 20,000 euros, excluding VAT. - The aid will consist of a grant of 35% of the total expenses considered to be eligible.
Grants for investment in industrial SMEs in Navarra
- Type of aid: In the form of a grant
- Addressed to: SMEs with investment projects from different CNAES; manufacturing industry, supply of steam and air conditioning, treatment and disposal of residues, recovery and decontamination activities, storage and storage, handling of goods and activities related to transport, information and communications, technical engineering services, research and development and specialized design activities. List of admitted CNAEs.
- For projects of: Creation of a new establishment, expansion of an existing establishment, diversification of an establishment's production into additional new products, for essential changes in the general production process, acquisition of new assets.
- Minimum eligible budgets depending on the size of the company: Microenterprise: 15,000 euros, small: 50,000 euros and medium: 100,000 euros.
- The projects must be located in Navarra.
We help you succeed
From Intelectium, we are experts in applying for and managing grants. We help you assess your startup's eligibility for the call. Once analyzed, we prepare a detailed report through which we can request and manage the help. We operate under a completely success-oriented model, in which we don't charge initial set up fees to start working, but we are at risk and only get paid if we get funding for the company. Get in touch with us hither for expert advice.