First lines of funding for startups:
The National Innovation Company is a public entity whose main objective is to promote innovative business projects with a competitive advantage through loans and activities related to venture capital.
Enisa promotes the culture of innovative entrepreneurship, a culture based on the transformation of models and markets, on productive innovation and on the provision of new added values.
To be able to request a ENISA, the company must be an SME, small and medium-sized enterprise, or a startup domiciled in Spain with an innovative project seeking funding.
Neotec Program
Neotec It funds non-refundable startups and small innovative companies whose business strategy is based on the development of their own technology. They must be newly established companies, with a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 3 years old.
The NEOTEC program offers aid in the form of a non-refundable grant of up to 250,000 euros.
Startup Capital Program
Startup Capital is a help for innovative startups based in Catalonia.
Beneficiaries can be startups of between 3 months and 3 years of life, who have their own technology as a differential factor and who are in the initial phase in need of a push to access the first rounds of private funding. The applicant startup will not be able to accumulate an external investment of more than 400,000€ (including public and private funds).
Another essential requirement to be able to access aid is that the founders of startups have more than 51% of the company's shares.
The purpose of this investment is to finance actions derived from the business plan, from the administration and management of operations to the development and commercialization of products and services.
Funding lines for startups and SMEs to consider starting in the second year:
Cervera Program
The main objective of the Cervera projects is to promote R&D through the creation or significant improvement of a production process, product or service with the collaboration of State-wide Technology Centres or with “Cervera” Technology Centres of Excellence.
The beneficiaries of this aid are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), startups and mid-cap companies (MidCaps) with a tax address in Spain. In addition, projects must have a participation of at least 10% of the approved project by one or more technology centers.
PID Program
This is a annual call, which is open all year round and which is a partially refundable loan with very advantageous conditions: with a 1-year Euribor fixed interest rate, return of 7 to 10 years, including a grace period between 2 and 3 years, non-refundable tranche of 30% of the aid. CDTI anticipates 35% of the aid, without requiring additional guarantees.
R&D projects are considered to be those aimed at the creation and/or substantial improvement of a production procedure, product or service, comprising both industrial research and experimental development activities. As for the sector or technology, there are no restrictions.
EIC Accelerator
Through the European Aid Program EIC Accelerator, technological and innovative startups can access non-refundable grants of up to 2.5 M€ (grant) with an optional investment component (equity). The funding granted must be aimed at financing projects that are in a technological development level (TRL) 6-8 with a total duration of between 12 and 24 months.
Red.es, An initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, works for the digitalization of the entire country. Along these lines, the entity offers aid, both to public and private companies, aimed at scanning of public services, the economy and the Spanish society through ICTs.
The specific characteristics of the grants offered, in the form of non-refundable grants, vary depending on the call and the characteristics of the activity carried out.
Nuclis R&D
Through the Program Nuclis R&D, ACCIÓ offers up to 250,000€ to carry out differential projects and to face new challenges of ecological and green transformation.
The project, which must be led by a Catalan company that is at least two years old, can involve one or more international partners, for the development of new products, processes or services with high technological risk or TECNIO accredited centers.
Public funding lines in the Consortium: Collaborative CHALLENGES Program
RETOS funds projects of up to 36 months carried out in collaboration with universities or research centers, which are framed in the areas of climate, energy, health and food, among others. This program encourages cooperation between research organizations and companies for the joint realization of R+D+i projects. In addition, it stimulates +D+I to advance in the search for solutions in accordance with the priorities established in the Challenges, helping in turn to promote the creation of innovative companies and the orientation of the activity of existing companies towards innovative activity.
RETOS finances up to 95% in the form of a loan to participating companies and in the form of a grant or reimbursable advance to universities or public research centers.
Cien Program
ONE HUNDRED, a strategic project of National Business Research Consortiums is another program funded by the CDTI.
The Cien Program supports large R&D projects developed in collaboration by business groups and aimed at planned research in very strategic areas that have a clear potential for international projection.
Each consortium must consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of eight companies.
This is a partially reimbursable grant that funds up to 85% of the project budget. The minimum budget that can be requested is 5 million euros and the maximum is 20 million euros.
InnotecThrough the program Innotec,
The Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ) offers non-refundable grants aimed at encouraging the development of R&D projects among startups based in Catalonia.
To be beneficiaries of the available grants, companies must collaborate with one of the TECNIO accredited DTP Public Technology developers (University or CSIC groups and CERCA centers). The intensity of the aid will vary between 25% and 70% of the total project, which should have a total budget of between 50,000 and 200,000€.
Funding for expert staff:
Torres Quevedo
The Program Torres Quevedo, under the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, offers non-refundable grants for the recruitment of expert personnel. The amount of aid, intended for the development of R&D projects with a total duration of 3 years, varies depending on the cost of contracting and the type of project and entity making the request.
Companies, state-level technology centers, business associations and science and technology parks can be beneficiaries of the aid.
Industrial doctorates
It offers non-refundable grants for a total period of 4 years for the Doctors' training. To be beneficiaries of the grant, these doctors must frame their doctoral thesis in the development of an Industrial Research or experimental development project, which can be carried out in the company in its entirety or in collaboration between the company itself and a second entity, either public or private.
Obtaining a doctorate degree should generally take place during the first three years of the grant.
In addition, depending on the region in which they are incorporated, technology startups and SMEs can access funding granted through local entities. Thus, entities such as the ICF, the IVF and Aval Madrid, offer funding for startups based in Catalonia, Valencia and Madrid, respectively.

Do you want to know more grants and public grants for startups? Click hither to learn more about how to finance your startup in detail.
From Intelectium we are experts in seeking and obtaining public and private funding for technology companies. We have been advising technology startups and SMEs for more than 15 years so that they have the best possible capital structure depending on their activity and stage of development. Do you want to know us and know how we can help you? Get in touch with us and we'll advise you on the best ways to finance the growth of your company. Unlike other consulting firms, we operate 100% successfully.